
Kei Kunihiro (Poetic Assassin)

Dos Horas Para La Medianoche tiene el orgullo de presentarles a una estrella internacional que brilla en internet.
Nacido en Tokio, este poeta del metal, sorprendió al mundo con su poema Inverti In Darkness. Este poema, interpretado sobre una pista midi, recorrio el mundo debido a su auténtica forma de cantar. Dueño de una voz polifuncional, deja bien en claro cuales son sus influencias a la hora de cantar, mezcla black con death, con un poquito de punk y una pizca de rap (un genio!)

Para que vayan conociendo a este genio, aca está el poema:

Too much blood in my bathroom. Too much blood in my room. Too much blood. Too much blood.
I kiss the bloody chainsaw. I kiss the bloody axe. Too much blood. Too much blood.
I kiss the bloody chainsaw raw. Too much blood. Too much blood. Too much blood. Too much blood.
Somebody whisper in my ear.
I washin’ my hands. Over under over. Over under over.
I washin’ my hands. Over under over. Over under over.
Ay yi yi yi yi yi yi I’m a innocent. Ay yi yi yi yi yi yi I’m a innocent!
I was a very ordinary guy. I just another ordinary human being.
I killed him! I killed him!
I washin’ my hands. Over under over. Over under over.
I washin’ my hands. Over under over. Over under over.
Ay yi yi yi yi yi yi I’m a innocent. Ay yi yi yi yi yi yi yi I’m a innocent!
Too much blood! Too much Blood! Too much blood! Too much blood!
Prison ain’t shit. Prison ain’t shit. I never saw anything. Prison ain’t shit. Prison ain’t shit.
He was an empty, empty soul. Prison ain’t shit. Prison ain’t shit.
She said the moment that she was born always. Prison ain’t shit. Prison ain’t shit.
Something didn’t fit di. Prison ain’t shit. Prison ain’t shit.
Tell your brother nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. Prison ain’t shit. Prison ain’t shit.
I washin’ my hands. Over under over. Over under over. I washin’ my hands. Over under over. Over under over.
Ay yi yi yi yi yi yi yi I’m a innocent. Ay yi yi yi yi yi yi yi I’m a innocent!
Too much blood. Too much blood in my bathroom a too much blood. Too much blaaaaaaaaaad!
Please help me. Help me from my… Please help me. Please take my hand. Take my hand… I wash my hands. Over under over.
I’m fucking innocent! I’m fucking innocent!

Ahora si, Inverti In Darknes
Versión en vivo
Otros Temas
The Hungry Machine
Roadkill Red

Para los que descubrieron el talento, su fanpage en Facebook

1 comentario:

  1. Pionono Rabufetti12/4/11

    ajjaja ...copado chabon este oriental
    un talento sin lugar a dudas..

    Detalle:sera fanatico de Him???o por lo menos se saco una foto con el logo de la banda atras
